
Signs to Support Pedestrian Safety Initiatives

March 22, 2016

Signs to Support

Pedestrian Safety Initiatives

March, 2016

            Pedestrian fatalities accounted for 14% of all traffic fatalities in 2014.  While total number of fatalities has fallen by over 20% over the past decade, the number of pedestrian fatalities is virtually unchanged.  In 2013, 4,735 pedestrians were killed.  Florida had the second highest number of fatalities in the nation with 501 fatalities or 20.8% of all fatalities in that state.

            Pedestrian fatalities are getting increased attention at all levels of government.  “U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx has declared pedestrian and bicycle safety as a top priority for the department. Under his leadership and the Safer People, Safer Streets initiative, road safety assessments were conducted in every state and more than 230 cities have joined the Mayor’s Challenge to improve walking and biking”.1

            Southern Manufacturing has introduces several blank out signs to support this initiative. Blank out signs are more effective than static signs as they are less common, more visible at night, and are only visible when the message is relevant.  Most of these are dual message signs that are a version of NO RIGHT TURN and Yield to Pedestrians. Below are some of the available displays.


            Regulatory signs can be made with any MUTCD display and are a variation of our edge lit Clean Profile internally illuminated sign.


Please visit our website: Pull down tabs Illuminated Signs/ Pedestrian Safety Signs.






1 NTSA article Did you know?